Tempered Glass
Characters:(1) Safety: Tempered glass after breaking, because of its internal stress release the debris is grainy, the edges and surfaces of the formed fragments are perpendicular to the surfac

 Detailed information


  (1) Safety: Tempered glass after breaking, because of its internal stress release the debris is grainy, the edges and surfaces of the formed fragments are perpendicular to the surface, that is, the end of the face and the surface are right angles, and it don’t have sharp edges, will not causing great harm to the human body, therefore tempered glass has the relative safety.

  (2) Heat shock: Tempered glass has a permanent stress layer in the process of heat treatment, so its heat shock resistance is outstanding, and it can withstand drastic change at 200 degree temperature.

  (3) Anti-wind pressure: The strength of the tempered glass is 3-5 times as strong as that of the ordinary annealed glass.


  Float tempered clear glass, ultra-clear tempered glass, colored tempered glass, coated tempered glass, patterned tempered glass, printed tempered glass and so on.

Specification :

       Size: 90*90mm—2440*6000mm

  Thickness: 3-19mm


  • 压花玻璃是一种经过特殊压制工艺生产而成的单面或双面带有凹凸花纹的半透明装饰性平板玻璃,其特有的装饰性一方面可以透过光线,充分采光,另一方面又能有效限制和阻止清晰透视,起到良好的美观和隐秘效果。  青岛金晶已建成中国自动化程度较高,规模较大、产品齐全的压花玻璃生产供应基地。  压延类玻璃分为普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃、中夹丝玻璃、硼硅玻璃四大系列产品。  一、普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃  产品特
  • 压花玻璃是一种经过特殊压制工艺生产而成的单面或双面带有凹凸花纹的半透明装饰性平板玻璃,其特有的装饰性一方面可以透过光线,充分采光,另一方面又能有效限制和阻止清晰透视,起到良好的美观和隐秘效果。  青岛金晶已建成中国自动化程度较高,规模较大、产品齐全的压花玻璃生产供应基地。  压延类玻璃分为普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃、中夹丝玻璃、硼硅玻璃四大系列产品。  一、普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃  产品特
  • 压花玻璃是一种经过特殊压制工艺生产而成的单面或双面带有凹凸花纹的半透明装饰性平板玻璃,其特有的装饰性一方面可以透过光线,充分采光,另一方面又能有效限制和阻止清晰透视,起到良好的美观和隐秘效果。  青岛金晶已建成中国自动化程度较高,规模较大、产品齐全的压花玻璃生产供应基地。压延类玻璃分为普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃、中夹丝玻璃、硼硅玻璃四大系列产品。  一、普白压花玻璃、超白压花玻璃  产品特
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